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Operation Clear Water

True health starts with Clear Water.

Our mission



Clear Water Club was founded to increase awareness around the issue of water quality. Safe drinking water is crucial to our wellbeing. When we think about health and nutrition, we need to think about the purity of our water first. The cleaner the water we drink, the better for us and our families. 




Plastiktüte im Ozean

the situation 


The majority of people in western countries still believe tap water and bottled water to be safe for consumption. Official lab-tests and newsreports indicate otherwise. They show an increasing built-up of impurities and chemicals in our water supply that could be harmful to our health. On that list: Hormones, germs, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals and microplastics to name a few.  What they do to us and to our health? Nobody knows for sure. Learn more.

our solution


The questionable quality of our public water supply does send a clear message: We have to take water purification seriously. Our health and longevity depend on us making the right choice. Looking for the most efficient way to produce pure water at home, we discovered a solution that seemed almost forgotten and checks all the boxes: distillation. Find out what experts have to say on the benefits of distilled water here.


the benefits

A distillation device mimics the purification-method of nature by turning water into steam and collecting it again. It will produce the purest water imaginable and will casually outperform any waterfiltration system on the market today. It will do so reliably for years -  at the simple push of a button. Another advantage: It is much cheaper than you might think. Have a look.


our vision


Our vision is to provide you with clear water - and peace of mind. The quality of tap water is expected to further deteriotate in the coming years. The good news: It won't be your problem.  A distillation device will give you water-autonomy in your home. The unmatched purity, it's silky texture and neutral ph-level will make drinking clean water simple, cheap and delicious.

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Join Clear Water Club today!

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